
Bonding With Your Pup

By Team Fabled

Like all valuable things, the bond between you and your dog is something that takes time and energy to grow. Deliberately spending quality time with your pupper, and actively engaging in activities that bring you closer can pave the way for an everlasting friendship. 

Simple eye contact can go a long way in broaching trust between you and your pet. Just looking into each other's eyes can lead to an increase in oxytocin which helps in creating a sense of bonding. Adding physical touch, like cuddling, can help generate serotonin and further deepen your bond. 

Petting your dog with purpose can also go a long way in creating a sense of unwavering affection. Make sure to take the time to understand what they like most, and actively direct your full focus to them. Plan activities with your dog, and engage in meaningful play (we can plug our other article here) to enhance the quality of your time together.

Feeding your dog, and doing it with love, is core to winning their trust. Furthermore, spending time with them when they snack or watching them as they eat can create a positive attribution towards you. Don't play down the importance of small gestures like this; they can form the bedrock of your bond. 

Communicating yourself clearly, and allowing your dog the space to communicate their needs is also crucial to building a healthy bond. Is your dog able to understand your commands? Do they react promptly to your calls? Are they able to effectively and safely express their needs? These are all essential markers to be mindful of when trying to bond with your dog. 

While trying to bond with your dog, pay attention to how they're responding to you. Be mindful of their body language and expressions, especially how they show stress and discomfort. Knowing what your dog likes can help you narrow down the activities that make them happiest. Understanding what your dog dislikes, and respecting their feelings also goes a long way in enhancing their well-being. An excellent way to start is by considering the things that most dogs usually dislike, such as loud noises or abrasive touches.

Above all, remember to always stay patient with your dog. Factoring in their emotions can help them express themselves safely around you. Try to remain calm as far as possible around them. Angry gesticulations and yelling can rattle anyone in the vicinity, whether it's directed at them or not. Retain your composure so that your dog can rely on you as a source of unconditional comfort. 


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